
ar•el•em is a result of many years experience as a technical digital marketer. My experience has turned me into a “jack of all trades” type of marketer. Now it’s time to use those skills for small businesses that need the expertise of someone that really can do it all.

What is that experience? Initially in my career I built real estate agent websites and trained those agents how to get online. Subsequently, I consulted with new marketing automation users how to build lead nurturing campaigns, emails, and landing pages. Recently, I ran all the digital marketing for the spare parts eCommerce website of a multi-national corporation.

Let us put that experience to work for you. Starting with website design and hosting, then moving on to getting out the message, ar•el•em helps small businesses of all types get their digital marketing off the ground.

We can also help you with digital basics like social media presence, search engine optimization (SEO), and search engine marketing (SEM). We specialize in advanced Marketing Automation techniques as well. Consequently, we can build your customer journeys, lead nurturing, email marketing and landing pages.